Demo Reel for beginners
When you are just a beginner and you are starting as an actor you should do a combination of dramatic work, comedy and perhaps a...
Showreel or Demo Reel - is is the same or?
Some people call it demo reel / actor reel and some people call it show reel But both names it is still the same. #showreel #demoreel...
Purpose of a Demo Reel:
As you know: Time is money and if the casting directors are able to safe time and not bringing the wrong actor to the casting - it...
What is a Demo Reel?
A demo reel is a short clips about 1-3 minutes that showcase an actor's work. A Demo Reel / Actors Reel is a good tool to see how you...
Demo Reel For Actors - Marketing too
A demo reel is one of the three marketing tools actors A Professional Actor's Headshot A Professionally Actor's Resume A Professional...
Armpointing to the camera - Dont´!
Tips from your Model Coach London: Arm pointing to the camera - Don't! Arm pointing to the camera is never ok. When you look directly in...
The right clothing for the portfolio shooting
Always talk 2 weeks before the portfoilio shooting about the rigt clothing. You always have to feel comfortable in your cloth. If you...
Prepare to answer some questions
If you like to be a model be prepaired to answer some questions. Why do you like to be a model? Why do you think you are the perfect...
Model Agency Contract
If you get a model contract - perfect but you have to know the model industry and ou need knowledge about model agency contracts. If you...
How to submit to a model agency
If you like to submit to a model agency than you have to go to their website to find out what kind of models they have. Than you have to...