It takes time to...
At the beginning is not a full time job but it takes time to get to castings. Sometimes you have to go to 10-20 Castings to get your...
The right clothing for the portfolio shooting
Always talk 2 weeks before the portfoilio shooting about the rigt clothing. You always have to feel comfortable in your cloth. If you...
How to get your baby into modeling
If you think your baby is ready to start into modeling than we can help you. First step you need some good pictures. Than you need to...
Kids should look like kids
Please don´t dres your kid as an adult! Kids should look like kids. And this is also important about "posing" . Kids should never do the...
Rejection in the modeling industy
Rjection in the model industry is a part of all models. This is not easy to understand that someone tells you: You are to short, you are...