You think your kid / Teenager has "the Thing" to be a child / teenage model?
Contact us and you learn step by step what you have to do.
1. you Need some good Pictures. this can be done without a big Budget!
2. you Need to submit the pics to agency
3. do your re-search
4. Always be SAFE! They are some strange People out there!
5. Get all Information About the model industry
6. youd Kids Needs to know About posing
and much more...
Get in contact me us. Your model Coach , model Management and modeling School
#Manhattan #nyc #losangeles #Miami #lasvegas #paris #London #photography #photoproduction #pmodelingschool #modelcoach #modelmanagement #childmodeling #kidsmodeling #teenagemodeling #confidenceworkshop #Training #worshop #highheels